Rosali: “Bite Down”

GENRE: Folk/Country
LABEL: Merge
REVIEWED: February 29, 2024

Rosali’s latest album plunges us into a world where time and space seem to blur. The title track, “Bite Down,” epitomizes this trancelike journey. The experience is akin to being gently sedated: initially disorienting but gradually sinking into a state of blissful detachment. The track features James Schroeder’s distant, echoing electric guitar, Kevin Donahue’s grounding drums, and an ethereal melody from Destroyer’s Ted Bois on piano. Megan Siebe’s cello adds a haunting touch, creating a sonic landscape that envelops the listener.

Rosali’s voice emerges like a guiding light through this murky expanse. “I can’t seem to bring myself ashore,” she sings, her words both a cry for help and an acceptance of the unknown. She muses, “Everything has a price/What’s it worth to you?” before fading in and out of the mix. The song builds with gently swelling synths reminiscent of Aimee Mann’s “Lost in Space,” but with a more delicate, sweet vibe. The refrain, “What’s it worth to you?” echoes long after the track ends, leaving us with lingering reflections and unanswered questions. Rosali’s approach ensures that introspection remains an open door, never fully closed.